Reikan FoCal Help Index - Reikan FoCal Help

Reikan FoCal Help Index

The following is an overview of the help contents available.

Quick Start

These pages contain information about downloading and installing the software and setting up and running your first calibration:

The FoCal Release Checklist is available here:

Camera Autofocus & Why you need FoCal

Setup and Best Practices using FoCal

Network (WiFi) Connection

FoCal User Interface Information

Test / Utility Information

For more information about each utility and test, start with one of these pages:

The following features are also covered:

Camera Tools

FoCal Program Settings

The settings in the program Preferences window are explained here:

Information about the FoCal Comparison Database

The FoCal Comparison Database is a key component of FoCal Pro, allowing you to compare your results with thousands of other users to see how your equipment performs. The following pages explain this feature further:

User Assisted / Hands Free Camera Modes

Some cameras can be entirely controlled by FoCal, and some require a small amount of user interaction. To find out the details choose one of the following pages:

General Program Operation